This morning, I spoke in the House of Commons about the appalling terrorist attack in Christchurch and I want to convey the same message to you and our Muslim community in Redbridge: those of us who know the Muslim community understand why this attack and loss of life will be felt deeply and painfully by all Muslims. But you don’t have to be Muslim to grieve, you just have to be a fully paid-up member of the human race. I stand with you and all Muslims in the face of this attack and vow to redouble my own efforts to challenge and defeat Islamophobia.

Humanity has been here before. We know where such hatred leads. But this isn’t how the story needs to end.

Let’s say together, in unison, that in the fight against Islamophobic hatred and terrorism, we won’t stand behind you or beside you: we’ll stand in front of you. Your fight is our fight. We won’t be bystanders.

My deepest condolences and solidarity to the people of New Zealand and Muslims across the world at this painful time.

You can watch the video below here:


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