Wes Streeting for Ilford North

This week I attended a Tamils for Labour event in Parliament to mark Mullivaikkal. The events of the final weeks of the Sri Lankan civil war were among the most bloody and barbaric. We have a responsibility to honour the memory of the deceased and the disappeared and to continue our quest for truth, accountability and reconciliation.
Year after year I have travelled to Geneva to make sure that the international community holds the Sri Lankan Government to account. They made a commitment to involve international judges and prosecutors in the investigation and prosecution of war crimes committed during the civil war. Now they must deliver.
It is to the eternal shame of the international community that we looked the other way while innocent people were subjected to unimaginable acts of violence and terror. We owe it to you and to all the Tamil people never to look away again.
As people gather today with the British Tamils Forum in solemn and loving memory of those who are lost, as Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Tamils and the Member of Parliament for Ilford North, I give you my word that I will work relentlessly to make sure that the commitments made to the international community by the Government of Sri Lanka are honoured.
You can read the Tamil Guardian story here: http://www.tamilguardian.com/…/british-opposition-leader-co…